It's been awhile, and a lot has happened since my last update.
I was nervous about my 12 week appointment - they told me they would listen to the heartbeat with the doppler and only do an internal ultrasound if they couldn't find the heartbeat. Part of me was hoping they couldn't find it with the doppler so I could see the baby again, but I knew if that happened I would have a heart attack.
It took them a few minutes, but they found it. 168 beats per minute. They tested my urine for proteins and sugar, but it was fine and that was about it. I found out I can't wear my contacts until I deliver because Restasis is a Class C drug, and I can't wear contacts without it. It's fine, but I miss my contacts. I can wear them occasionally, so I guess there's that at least.
We got the results of our Maternit21 Test and not only is the baby healthy (chromosomally), but we found out that it's a boy! The nurse told me over the phone while I was at work, I screamed and then had to leave immediately because I couldn't possibly do any more work without telling Steve about it. Luckily it was near the end of the day. I stopped on my way home and got 3 sets of bibs and little firefighters PJ's and 3 white bags and tissue paper. I put one set of bibs and the PJ's in one to open and did the other bibs in the other bag for our parent's to open.
It was really special watching Steve find out he's having a boy. He was really happy. We both thought it was a girl...and while I really am happy with either, I don't think right now a boy is as fun. Maybe I'm just used to shopping for my nieces, but shopping for girl clothes is so much more fun than boy clothes. Same with nursery decorations and even picking baby names. And I know how to do girls...this boy thing is a whole new experience.
And I also think back to how to was growing up with my brothers and how annoying they were and it scares me a little. I know having a son won't be the same as having brothers, but it's really my only experience with growing up with boys. Ha, at least I hope so!
We also had our 16 week appointment and the heart rate was 156 and everything was fine again. I had blood drawn to test for CF and spinal bifida, but I haven't gotten the results yet (the doctor has them - and has had them since Wednesday - but hasn't reviewed them and given us the results - super annoying).
A week from Tuesday - November 13th (I think) is our high resolution ultra sound, which will be our last (hopefully!) test to make sure the baby is okay. I'm so excited to see him again. We might pay for one of those fun ultrasound places later on in the pregnancy, but if not, this will be the last time we see the little guy until he's born.
And crazy to think we'll be halfway there the week of Thanksgiving. We have so much to do. The only thing I've bought so far is wooden alphabet letters for the wall (I will paint them different colors - and they are in different sizes and fonts). We haven't registered yet or really looked at anything seriously. Not really sure what I'm waiting for - I guess I feel like we have lots of time, which we do. 22 weeks.
We have started to do some things though - we cleaned out the baby's closet and are getting the house ready - not for baby necessarily, but I want to get things done before the baby gets here. Like touch up the paint along the baseboards, and buy a new kitchen table, etc. We also got a new car. Steve's car was too small for a car seat so we traded it in for an SUV. I also have a 2 door, and we tried to see if a car seat would fit in it last night (we were at a friend's house who has a baby), and while it fits, it was NOT easy. I'm not sure what we're going to do. A wedding, new house, new baby and 2 car payments (both our cars were paid off - it's painful to think about) in one year is a lot.
I'm also sort of beginning to show. Well, my fat is showing more - not sure that counts. I had a little pouch that could look flat with the right pants and shirt, but now I can't hide it. The baby is right below my belly button, but this pooch is above it. I asked my doctor why my stomach was getting bigger there and she said that it was because my organs and stuff have all been shifted up to make room for the baby. So instead of a baby bump, I have a fat and intestine bump. It looks cute in maternity pants and people definitely keep looking at my belly like "Is she or isn't she?!?" Honestly this in-between is sort of embarrassing. I just look fatter than usual. Maternity pants do help though. They smooth it out and make me definitely look preggo.
In good news though, I haven't gained a single pound. So weird how I've struggled with weight my entire life and then the one time where I'm supposed to gain weight, I don't. I'm not complaining though! However, since I'm feeling better my appetite has definitely come back. I've felt good for this past week. A full 6 days of feeling good. I'm hoping it sticks!
I even worked out for the first time yesterday. I'm so sore today - think I might have overdone it (elliptical and weight lifting) - but if was nice to get back into the gym.
I do have to say, however, that my current symptoms aren't awesome (but better than the morning sickness by far!) - I have a horrible stuffy, runny nose and I sneeze a lot. I don't have a cold or allergies, so I think it's pregnancy rhinitis. And as a result, I'm usually up for a few hours a night because I'm uncomfortable (doesn't my body know this is my last time to get good sleep for a long, long time?!?). I also have a smidge of sciatica. It usually happens worse in the 3rd trimester, but it can happen now since the uterus is growing and pushing on the nerve. Having shooting pains down my ass isn't that fun, but it's not that often and usually goes away after awhile (knock on wood).
I have been listening to the heartbeat on a doppler (didn't find it until the 13th week or so), and it has been such a comfort. I borrowed it from a friend, but she's pregnant now, so I had to give it back last night. I ordered another one though, and it will be here by Wednesday. I listen to it everyday, so I definitely miss hearing him.
I also think I'm feeling him move a little. I won't know for sure until he's stronger and it happens more and more, but it's not gas. I don't understand how people mistake gas for the baby moving. I've had gas bubbles my entire life - I know what they feel like. What I'm feeling is like little bubbles popping near my skin and then it makes me itch on the outside. So, it's either the baby moving or it's my skin stretching and itching. However, I pour baby oil on that part of my stomach every day when I listen to the heartbeat, so it is well moisturized. But, I'm not sure why the outside of my belly would itch from the baby kicking on the inside...I guess we'll see.
So, not only am I pregnant, but 3 of my other best friends are pregnant too. And they're all due within 2 weeks of each other, so I'm a little out of sync there. I'm due April 14th, Amanda is due June 3rd, Jen is due June 8th (but will have an elective C section, and it will likely be a few weeks early - last time there was no more room for her baby, which is why they had to do a C section - her husband is close to 7 feet tall), and Megan is due June 16th. Crazy!
It's Amanda's first too (she miscarried in May, so we have similar back stories), but it's Jen's second and Megan's third.
Part of me is glad I'm first, and I know that being 6 - 8 weeks apart will be nothing when the kids are older. I'm so happy to be in on this round of kids. There are 2 groups of kids now with the 6 of us - three of them are 3 and 4 years old, and two of them are around 1 years old. Now there will be four more all the same age. So fun.
Lastly, we have kicked around a few names. We only have 2 so far that we like. My maiden name was different and special and there are no boys to carry it on (older brother had two girls and had a vasectomy and my little brother isn't having kids). We thought about naming him Van (part of my last name, and my brothers were called Van Man growing up and I was Little Van)...Van Hoffman. Different, but too much like Van Helsing?
I don't really like names on the top 100 list - and I don't like trendy names - Gunner, Aiden, etc. The other name we like is Nicholas...but is Nick Hoffman too boring? Nicholas James Hoffman. And Nick is so "boring" now it's not as trendy. He might be the only Nick in a sea of Masons, Aidens, Declans, etc.
We've still got 22 weeks to decide. Steve really likes both, but I just don't know.
I will try to update more - lots has happened since my last post. I'll see if I can post a high resolution of Mega Tron next week after our appointment.
I hope everything continues to go well...I have a feeling between now and the end of December will fly by with the holidays, but January - April will probably drag by. But, I'll keep myself busy with getting the nursery ready and enjoying my last few months of freedom. So crazy how my life is going to change!!! I'm ready though...can't wait to meet this little guy!